Monday, July 8, 2013

BUG SPRAY; all-natural, non-toxic, DEET free

I've been in limbo this year about bug sprays, which has resulted in us not using anything and getting tons of bug bites (in turn, we have been VERY itchy girls). The reason is this: I do not want to put chemicals on our body. So, I bought an "all-natural, organic" bug spray at a local store, but it stung so bad that Klaire would scream when I would get it out to use. Surely, that can't be right.

I'm sure you can guess the direction I have decided to go, now. I looked up doTerra Essential Oil recipes and made my own. I am writing about it....because IT WORKED! and no screaming from my daughter!

On the 4th of July, we ventured through a trail in a very tree dense area to find a place to watch the
fireworks over a lake near us. Although the picture doesn't quite do it justice, there were trees all around and above us, and we were right above a lake cove area. Bugs were out in FULL force, and I have the type of blood that bugs tend to love for some reason. Normally, in this type of scenario, I would easily be 20 bites in by the end of the night. Several of us applied my bug spray (including all 3 kids), and after touching base the next day- NONE of us got a single bug bite!

Here is the recipe I used:
-25 drops of Terrashield repellent blend (mosquitos)
-10 drops of Purify (ticks)
-5 drops of Peppermint (knats)
-fill the rest of the spray bottle with water

I go lighter on the Peppermint because that can sometimes feel like a burning sensation to kids. You can also just apply the Terrashield blend directly to your skin (wrists, neck, etc.)
See this post on the doTerra blog for more information and ways to use TerraShield

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